You can charge up to 25% as a South Dakota unclaimed money finder!
43-41B-36. Agreements to locate reported property.
All agreements to pay compensation to recover or assist in the recovery of property reported under § 43-41B-18, made within twelve months prior to the reporting and remitting of abandoned property accounts and within twenty-four months after the date payment or delivery is made under § 43-41B-20, are unenforceable.
No agreement entered into after twenty-four months of the required date of delivery of the property by the holder to the state treasurer is valid if a person thereby undertakes to locate property included in a report for a fee or other compensation exceeding twenty-five percent of the value of the recoverable property unless the agreement is in writing and signed by the owner.
Nothing in this section may be construed to prevent an owner from asserting at any time that an agreement to locate property is based upon excessive or unjust consideration.
A violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
South Dakota does not provide a list for finders to be used for commercial purposes.
The information that is not private can be searched online at their website. You can search the online database to review the properties available. Unclaimed Property records are classified as private data as described in the “Government Records Access Management Act.”
Claim forms for specific properties may be submitted by:
· The reported owner;
· In the case of property reported in the name of a deceased person, the executor, administrator, or personal representative of an owner’s estate, or an heir if there is no will or the probate is closed; or
· A second party (such as a fee finder) upon receipt of a power of attorney signed by the owner(s) or, in the case of a deceased person, signed by the personal representative or legal heir, if there is no will or probate has closed.
If you are interested, please click here for more information on becoming an unclaimed money finder.
Trying to check Indiana. ..keeps directing me to South Dakota
I’m not sure why it is bringing you to South Dakota.
I was able to reach Indiana.
Are you on a smartphone or tablet? Sometimes the states are so small on those devices it’s difficult to get it the first time. I may have to put links for the states under the map because of that.
Why do they put me in s.dekota
I’m not sure why that would happen, you need to click on for Ohio.